Sunday, September 28, 2008

Legalize Rational, Positive and Creative Thinking

Alcohol and Tobacco are two of the worst drugs in the world yet they are Legal........It's Irrational to make drugs illegal....because Man is either going to grow it or make it.....Drugs are in our Nature....they are part of the Fabric of the Universe and we have to deal with them in Rational, Positive and Creative Ways......
Drugs are like tools....
We can use them for either Good or Bad.....
Some drugs are good thinking tools.......I've noticed that certain drugs can give people a lot of physical and or mental energy....that stimulates their body and or mind...
I like mind drugs...that stimulate my mind for thinking....and being creative....
I've noticed that some people come up with a lot brill ant and creative thinking while on pot or psychedelic drugs....
It's look at all the famous Rock n Roll artist....they are using drugs to come up with incredible, creative lyrics, tunes, riffs, and entertain us, please us and amuse us and drive us crazy.....
These people have become successful with the help of drugs........I'm not saying it was drugs that made them.......I'm only saying that drugs are like tools.....and many successful artists, musicians, hippies have used drugs as tools to help them....whether they did it consciously or unconsciously...
Along with Legalizing all Drugs...there needs to be independent non govt schools and Business people/Authorities who know a lot about that people can make rational decisions about which drug they want to try or not try......
I'm an old hippy from way back and I know that LSD is an incredible creative thinking drug.......that can be used for either Rational, Positive and Creative ways......or Irrational, Negative and Destructive ways.......

Pot is a mild mild that it induces a lot of thinking.....for me good pot will put my mind ice skating on a big frozen lake.........or wind surfing on the Ocean....or on a fast motorcycle.
The motorcycle analogy is good in that pot speeds up your if you are not ready for can be quite scary.....Pot is better used only by Rational, Positive thinkers.....because when Irrational thinkers smoke pot.....they become afraid of their thoughts, the thinking comes to fast for them to process it,.....and they get paranoid....they can't handle it......these people usually feel more comfortable where people are drinking and smoking tobacco.
Pot is a thinking Drug....that's why you see people starring in to outerspace.....they are in deep thought....let them think and enjoy the experience......
Alcohol is a No Thinking extremely viscious and addictive drug. Addiction sets in like a fish swallowing a hook.....once's almost impossible to rid yourself of the addiction......Alcohol is very abrasive to your system....
The same goes for Tobacco......very, very, deadly and addictive....yet almost painless in it's process....until the end...
Incredibly both Alcohol and Tobacco are Legal Drugs....both very destructive and deadly. Neither of them are listed on the Federal list of Dangerous Drugs...
Pot is a Class C drug....listed with Heroin, Coke and Meth......where is Alcohol and come they get to stand on the side lines and laugh.....they get off scott free....It's unfair and Irrational.

If all drugs were to be legalized.....I would only do 2 or 3 of them.....pot consistently; LSD and or peyote.....maybe one or two sessions every 7 years..........that's all one really should do it and then think about it........Experiences from LSD should not be overdone...and should go through the whole experience and then apply the learning's and experiences to real life...LSD should not be abused....because you will mess up your brain which is like Milk Jello...
If all drugs were legal......I could imagine LSD Resorts where singles or couples could go for a two week vacation, (the first couple of days you would take the LSD.....and the rest of the time would be spent that you could go back to normal life).......
An LSD Resort where you could experience LSD in Safe, Secure and Guarded surrounding...... where Nurses and Guides..... could assist you and help you through your experience.....
The place would furnish art supplies and equipment so that you could record your thoughts and display your ideas and visions....
It would be a learning, spiritual and place of awakening......

Another thought about Legalizing all Drugs.....I would not do heroin, alcohol, tobacco or any of the white powders....I've tried everything and i only like pot and a little bit of LSD......i don't like to get too far out of touch with reality and the physical dimension....

Yes the world would become radically different.........but i think in a good way....
Yes, legalizing drugs is unconventional and probably against all traditional moral thinking.....but it's sounds rational, positive and creative....better then the how we handle the Drug Problem now.

We need to Be Rational, Positive and Creative all the Time....not only if we use a drug....
Being Rational, Positive and Creative is very Christian Like......Be it....

Public Schools should Teach Ayn Rand and Capitalism

America's Public Schools are the Worst.
They are the roots of our Socialist and Communist tendencies.
The school culture hates Capitalism...and loves big Gov't....Gov't to them is like their Principal...their Big Daddy....they see Natural Order in their System..
The Public Schools are the Box....the box around our childeren's brains....Public Schools have not changed in 100 years and anything you learn in Public Schools you can learn on MTV and CNN.
The kids barely know how to read or do math so why send kids to school.
If America is to be the Shining Star for ManKind.............then Public Schools should Teach Capitalistic Theory and Practice..... through Ayn Rand. She is the Philosopher and Author of Capitalistic Understanding and Thinking.
This country would boom with Industry......and new Ideas, Inventions, Services ....etc. etc.
Through her, people will understand that the brain can be used in Rational, Positive, and Creative ways or in Irrational, Negative and Destructive Ways.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Rational Positive Creative Thinking

These are several thoughts which are unorganized. Sorry....I thought I'd just publish them and give you a sense of how I think.....Rationally, and Capitalistically...10% of the time.......the rest of my thinking is mostly self pity...... : ) but that 's the nature of man and we must overcome our sorry labor, and Thinking rationally, and positively,....Make don't the Motto......There are two ways to survive....1. you Make something and use it for yourself or trade it for something you want and need. 2. You take and steal, rob or swindle something or everything from somebody who has already Made it. Make or Take..
Capitalism is all about creating for yourself or other human needs, wants, desires, and using it yourself or selling or trading it with others who make and Create for trade.
Socialism, Communism and all other forms of government rely on taxing, regulating, and controlling people because they have all become Irrational, Negative and Destructive....Gov't tries to stop the downward spiral of self destruction....
Communism and Socialism is not about Making and's about Taking and Breaking....because when you have millions of people Taking/Stealing/Taxing and distributing equally, the production of only a Few's Criminal.....
Just because the Politicians distribute equally the spoils of the Few Capitalits that are true Producers does not make it Right........

Capitalism is one of the most Fairest ways of dealing with Man's Parasitical and Lazy nature.

Capitalism is the Future for Mankind.
Rational, Positive, Creative Capitalism will and can lead man into the Future of high tech, survival, Justice, Peace and Fairness...

Capitalism is the Fairest way of dealing with man's inhumanity to other humans. He pays for damages..either in money or labor, to the victum or to some other Just Cause or Victum.

Movie Idea
American Capitalist 1776 - Present

America is essentially a Capitalistic Concept
Think about it..
We do most of our voting...with our with our dollar for our choices is probably one of the most democratic things humans can's very just also.....when you put your money down on the table......that is for real....

Even if someone gets all the dollars and seems to win at the real game of monopoly.......we don't have to play their game.....we can quit working for them, or not buy their product. It may be a very hard choice....but the option is there....we can either stick it out, try to change something about the situation, move on or do with out....the choice is sometimes very hard and real...but it's real....and it's honest........

....we don't have to drive cars if we don't want to....we don't have to make millionaires........millionairs if we don't want to.....we can choose not to buy Bill Gate's software, we can choose not to eat at McDonalds, we can choose not to buy a Ford, a GM or a ticket to a Sting concert....we can choose who we to spend our vote using our's a better way than using our "Meaningless Vote, one time every 4 years... for a Corrupt Politician who's going to bankrupt us, involve us into some BS wars, imprison us for stupid things, lye to us, cheat us and basically screw us like every non Capitalist politician does.....Politicians are basically Anti Capitalistic....or Pro Capitalistic in the sense that they want Capitalism to thrive so that they can collect more taxes.....Maybe a Flat 10% tax on everything we buy....would be okay...but Capitalism.....can do the job of Gov't....Capitalism is a Better Form of Gov''s real, just and's real lets you know where the Market is at all times....there can be a market on just about anything and everything..........when you talk about free love and love unconditionally....this is somehow a twisted christian love unconditionally.....this is we love a Mass Murder..... Unconditionally?.....No.........absolutely not....It would be Irrational.....maybe the bible, or religion preaches to love someone unconditionally.....but they are talking the physical world....we cannot afford to have a dangerous person around us....because they might kill us....

So back to selling everything.....maybe love can't be moneterized....but in a divorce it sure is.......when a woman gets a divorce settlement......this is the money she somehow deserves....according to corrupt lawyers...yes....divorce and lawyers is messy and horrible.....but it's not Gov't run and it's the best humans have at the moment and it affords some sort of justice...Usually....especially for the woman....which I'm sure the women are in favor of...since a lot of men screw women over....
and if this is true....then a big divorce settlement is fair...
This brings me to the idea of Prenuptials.......Prenuptials should be a big market in the near future....

America is Essentially a Capitalistic Idea......
In that ....Human survival In America was made possible by the fact that People were allowed to create something out of nothing and use it for themselves or sell it for profit.........
People were creating wealth for themselves not for the King and Queen and all of their staff, army and servants....
People were getting rich off of their own thinking, wits, nerve, guts and labor.
If you were smart, cleaver, quick, and industrious you could make a good living or become rich, famous and successful.
No longer did you work like a slave for the King.
Now you either worked for yourself or you worked for someone who paid you for your labor.
If you were unhappy with the working conditions or pay you could always pick up and do something else...It might not have been an easy decision but the option existed. In the old country.....if you were born into serfdom...that’s were you existed for the rest of your change for improvement or happiness was possible....
In America it was possible....

The American Constitution,
The founding fathers,
Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton,

Men who came here to America were capitalistic, rowdy, drunken, free independent spirits.
They fierce and determined individuals with a dream and idea of freedom, riches, fame and from the Feudal system they escaped from Europe.
I can just see....a guy jumping off the boat.....a maybe he looks a little like Robert Plant, long blond hair, young and eager to tackle the world. A his blanket over his shoulders giving him that rock star look and appeal to all the young maidens....scurring around....checking out the new comers...

This young man came from a country where the land he lived on, the hut he live in, the animals he raised, the food he raised ultimately belonged to the King or the Manor of the land.
Even his mother or sister was subject to the whims of the King in extreme times.

When people came here they had a new life, they were free from serfdom.
They had a chance to own land just by occupying it and making something out of it. You could grow your own food, raise your own animals to eat, sell anything you overproduced or over raised.
You could make a profit and get rich by using your brain to plan, strategize and design your own future.
You future and life no longer belonged to the king, it belonged to you and you could do what you wanted.

Scenes of Bar’s, Gambling, Entertainment, Boxing, Gambling, Las Vegas Style Raunchyness, mixed in with American Capitalistic Philosophy, the printing machine,
New Ideas, new inventions, guns, gun fights, whore houses, prostitutes, chapels, churches....
Scenes where, the king is just running rough shod over entire villages because they have the weapons and the villagers have nothing
Contrasted with
Scenes in America where guns are used to fight the Kings soldiers who do what they want..they are drunken, thieving, raping mother fuckers,
You have a huge scene where a man has fallen in love with a beautiful girl, they get married have a beautiful little child, and
Then you have some drunken soldiers come in and gang rape her, her husband walks in and he kills all of them, not before they kill her, he goes crazy and vows to fight England and destroy the monarchy,

And so he joins George Washington’s Army to fight and destroy the Evil Monarchy,
And after it is done, where you see incredible feats of Victory where David destroys Goliath,
A small group of independent thinkers wipe out huge numbers of enemies at one time,

After America wins the War, you have the people producing, everything from everyday household items, ranch, farm supplies, seed, bakeries, eateries, anything people could produce and needed was produced, and some people went on to become richer than the Kings they fact so much wealth was being created that it surpassed all the other wealth combined, that came before it.......
Labor that was previously done by humans was now being done by machines,

The Steam Engine and then the
Cotton Gin Evolutioned humanity 5000 years into the Future......for the past 5000 years all labor was done by either humans, serfs, slaves or animals..
Now steam engines could do the work of hundreds of horses. Humanity was on a new plane....of luxury. Capitalism, .....making something out of nothing, selling it to fill some human need for a price and a that one can continue the process to fullfill the human need for competition.
Capitalism is also the most fairest way of deciding who gets the most......the smartest.....
The great thing about Capitalism is that Capitalism is not about just One big Economic pie..
It’s about building a bakery so that one can make many different kinds of pies, of many different fruits flavors. Making them so that they are the very best for the very lowest prices so that many people have a chance of buying one.
Just like Model T cars, Henry Ford, made a quality car that was affordable for everyone.
This made him a millionaire. He employed people who would have otherwise been out of a job.
He created millions of automobiles....which revolutionized the world. America and Men like Henry Ford, revolutionized the world.
America is all about Laissez Faire Capitalism
Capitalism has a nasty sound to Nazism....which is worse Capitalism or Nazism,
Capitalism seem twisted....but left unto itself it is the most rational, natural, system for is fair and Just......
Anything the Government can provide Capitalism can provide better, cheaper, higher quality, and fairer.
Government takes,
Capitalism produces.
Government takes from Capitalism,
Capitalism doesn’t take from Gov’t.
Gov’t has a gun, Gov’t is trying to take Capitalist’s gun.
Gov’t is bad
Capitalism is good, fair, honest, just......Capitalism is very, very, very, real.
Gov’t is fake, and lies, steals, cheats and is Corrupt and it Corrupts.
Capitalism is the opposite of corruption.
Successful capitalism is very honest...with itself and it’s customers...

You have successes like Watts, Edison, Electric companies, AT&T, Phone companies, Television, Radio, on and on......people doing Capitalistic things.....but not understanding the Philosophy behind one understood it....the were in the Age of Reason......but no one had explained to them the Concept of Capitalism.....nobody could.....for more than a hundred years......and then around 1950, Ayn Rand a genius Russian immigrant to America came here to the land of wonders....she came from Communist Russia where they still lived in Serfdom.
She saw what was here and thought it was Glorious....Man had a chance to be happy and make life better. In her country unless you were born into the Ruling Class, there was no chance of rising above your lot.
In America, one had a chance....because of Capitalism.
Capitalism will always be treated like the Ugly step child unless people are taught the beauties of it and explain to them that Capitalism like the Seasons, goes up and down.....these swings have to be there and are a natural part of Capitalism.....Capitalism thrives on everything being true. If this fashion is not popular and not selling then it’s’s not voted on and decided by Gov’t.....

Gov’t is not into creating inventions, bringing them to market, changing the color, the shape, the contour, the feel, the smell, the what ever....Gov’t doesn’t takes and breaks........

There is a million ways the Gov’t corrupts and Capitalism corrects, adjusts and justifies.....and pays for., Gov’t doesn’t takes..
That’s what Capitalism is all about, Adjusting for Justice. It makes deals, It pays for something, It buys something. It gambles, It speculates and it calculates......Capitalism...feeds you, shoes you, clothes you, drives you, fixes you, and pleases you,
Gov’t screws you, lies to you, cheats you, corrupts you, forces you, imprisions you, rapes you and kills happens every day to people who smoke pot, their lives are destroyed when they are....imprisoned, raped and humiliated beyond comprehension.

Capitalism has been the only thing that has brought humanity out of the depths of human misery and hell. Prior to Capitalism....there was government control of everything.....the King was the Gov’t and he controlled everything....

Freedom and Independence in a Rational Positive and Creative way leads to Capitalism. Sure Capitalism is competition......but competition that benefits the Consumer......Capitalistic Competition always produces a better product at a lover price so that everybody can get the best there is at the lowest price possible price.