Sunday, September 28, 2008

Public Schools should Teach Ayn Rand and Capitalism

America's Public Schools are the Worst.
They are the roots of our Socialist and Communist tendencies.
The school culture hates Capitalism...and loves big Gov't....Gov't to them is like their Principal...their Big Daddy....they see Natural Order in their System..
The Public Schools are the Box....the box around our childeren's brains....Public Schools have not changed in 100 years and anything you learn in Public Schools you can learn on MTV and CNN.
The kids barely know how to read or do math so why send kids to school.
If America is to be the Shining Star for ManKind.............then Public Schools should Teach Capitalistic Theory and Practice..... through Ayn Rand. She is the Philosopher and Author of Capitalistic Understanding and Thinking.
This country would boom with Industry......and new Ideas, Inventions, Services ....etc. etc.
Through her, people will understand that the brain can be used in Rational, Positive, and Creative ways or in Irrational, Negative and Destructive Ways.

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